Handstand Journey

Grow stronger.

Build muscle.

Look awesome.

Handstand Journey makes learning incredible exercises like the Handstand and the Handstand Push Up fun and exciting. You can begin your handstand journey from home, with no equipment, great for getting fit without a gym.

We don't make handstand training complicated

Let us take the hard work out of progress tracking and workout planning, so you can focus on achieving your handstand goals. With Handstand Journey you can:

  • Choose a goal
  • Follow a pre-designed program
  • Follow along to workouts
  • Learn the exercises
  • You can download our easy-to-use app on the Play store. We're currently working hard on bringing out an iOS app.


Grow stronger, build muscle, and look awesome

Pick from a choice of goals, and we'll give you your easy to follow program

iPhone showing workout preview


We're with you, every rep of the way

Follow along to each workout in real time with our easy to use in-app workout and we'll keep track of the workouts you've completed.

iPhone showing workout preview


We're by your side, during your ups and upside-downs

We'll guide you through your workout and check-in with form cues, timers, and advice.

iPhone showing workout preview


Turn knowledge into power, and power into strength

Learn how to perform each exercise with perfect form with out exercise diary.

iPhone showing workout preview